What does it mean when a host agency says “group travel” or more specifically “contracted group travel”? It means, you (the travel advisor) are going to work with a person or group to book a trip with the same itinerary or very similar itineraries.
Some example of group trips are:
- A cruise with at least eight cabins being booked.
- A resort destination with five to ten rooms depending on the resort
There are lots of benefits to booking group travel. For example, it is great to get like minded travelers going in the same direction. This is easier on you, as the Travel Advisor, plus allows you to earn more commission for one trip and potentially build clients for life.
Typically a group starts with the travel advisor working with an established group with common interests, like a church, senior center, yoga studio, private school, PTA, HOA, or book club to name a few.
However, this doesn’t have to be the case. You can build a group itinerary and promote it through social media and other means to fill the spots. Usually, as the travel advisor you can also attend as the host for very little to no additional cost based on the destination. So, where do you want to travel to next? This can be a great way to get a group trip outline. Just ensure you give yourself plenty of time to promote the trip in advance.
When considering your partnership with a host agency, it’s important to take into account the tools and support offered to make your process seamless. This is especially vital for efficient group travel booking . At Levarté Travel, one of our main tools is our LevartéCRM, which allows our members:
- To manage inventory for a group
- Collect deposits and payments for a group
- Send emails to the group along the way
For more information about the benefits of Levarté Travel, explore our website further, now. https://levartetravel.com