Imagine in the land of Frisco, Texas, there lives a fun-loving, spunky, hardworking lady named Lori. She enjoys traveling and seeing the world. Her belief: adventure awaits!
For many years she had worked as a Travel Advisor, creating amazing experiences for her clients again and again. Soon she became more than an Advisor and started helping other Agents and Advisors with their business. She became so successful at this that her agency sold over $100 million annually. She was winning National awards and Invited to join Influential Industry advisory boards. She mingled with the elites in the travel industry.
She decided that the next natural step in her career was to one day own her own host agency. She knew with her leadership, passion for travel and, of course, clients, along with the desire to see others succeed, she would make her dream come true, and own her own host agency.
After many nights of restless sleep, dreaming of something bigger, she began bringing her host agency to life. From the beginning, she knew it had to be different in all the good ways while keeping the features that Advisors need and love. Lifting up people through travel – financially and in their memory banks with experiences – she created Levarté Travel. Levarté means to lift or raise up, and that’s exactly what Lori aims to do for Travel Advisors from beginners to veterans.
There are several membership levels to join, and if you register within the first 60 days, you’ll receive special pricing. If you want to lift yourself up with a career in travel, stop dreaming. Join Levarté Travel.